Sunday, May 17, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Ella

Like all parents, we have always told Ella that she needs to eat her broccoli if she wants to grow up to be big and strong. So the other day, after much thought, Ella went to Carmen and declared that she did not want to grow up or be a big girl, so therefore she no longer had to eat her broccoli! Who can argue with that kind of logic??!!

At family prayer time, it is always a challenge to get the kids, and especially Ella, kneeling and reverent. The other day Ella was finally in the circle when she suddenly leaned to the side and lifted her bottom, tooted, and declared "That was for you Abby!" When everyone broke down in laughter, she graced Caleb and Sierra with one too. Gifts all around!

Most of you have probably heard this other prayer time Ella story, but it is worth writing down. Again, she was all riled up and running around, refusing to kneel down. Everyone else was kneeling waiting for her. Before sitting down, Ella turned around, dropped her drawers, mooned everyone and asked, "Did that blow your mind out?" Needless to say, the prayer did not take place for a few minutes!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I just found your blog from Coppingers. I don't know how I've missed it all this time.

Such funny prayer stories! I look forward to keeping up with your adventures.

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